i'm always

I guessed there's no point saying this now
Its done and you're gone, this doesnt count
But now that you've gone away i've realised every day
I made a mistake, You're the best thing i've ever found
But now that i want you, You're moving on
I tried to call you but nobody's home
I didnt know this, till you went away
I'm always a day too late
I'm done i know, Waiting this long
There's no explanation, For letting you go
And you were right all along
I missed you bad when you're gone
I finally opened my eyes and now im standing alone
And now that i want you you're moving on
I tried to call you but nobody‘s home
I didnt know this, Till you went away
I'm always a day too late
But you ran to me, i didnt want to be bothered, but now i finally see
That you've moved onto another
Now honestly i get the reason why you left
But damn i wish i had you back and...
Now that i want you
You're moving on, I tried to call you
But nobody's home, I didnt know this
Till you went away
I'm always a day too late

Ny blogg igen

dåå var d ny blogg igen....
Gjorde en ny igår men gjorde andvändarnamnet fel stavat.....
Har inte gjort mke idag Hannis kom tebax :D
saknat henne skeeeta mke...
har inte gjort så mke mer fick veta mitt slut betyg för terminen i Svenska , fick ba G
Fast d va ba otroligt smarta lilla Hazell som fick VG så ....
vnne vad jag ska göra ikväll ... men
komr nog skriva mer ilf....

my school work today:P


Min profilbild


Hejj heter Lisa, bor i enköping/bålsta komr ba skriva d jag känner för:D Mina intressen är att va med kompisar och ha kul:P Jag gillar att äta , spec godis, och att dansa.....:) hoppas ni läser ofta puss

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